de: |
Waldensische Handschriften - Dublin - Trinity College Library |
en: |
Waldensian manuscripts - Dublin - Trinity College Library |
fr: |
Manuscrits vaudois - Dublin - Trinity College Library |
it: |
Manoscritti valdesi - Dublino - Trinity College Library |
Folgende Titel sind mit diesem Schlagwort belegt: |
- "Documentary adventures" : The Waldensian Inquisition Manuscripts in Trinity College Dublin [Aufsatz]
- Die Katechismen der Waldenser und Böhmischen Brüder als Documente ihres wechselseitigen Lehraustausches : Kritische Textausgabe mit kirchen- und literargeschichtlichen Untersuchungen [Buch]
- Hus' De matrimonio and Its Waldensian Version [Aufsatz]
- Husuv Kostnicky spisek "De matrimonio" a jeho valdenské zpracovànì [Aufsatz]
- Introduction [Aufsatz]
- Introductory Essay : Trinity College Dublin as a Waldensian lieu de mémoire [Aufsatz]
- James Henthorn Todd, FTCD : His Work on the Waldensians in the Context of Nineteenth-Century Ireland [Aufsatz]
- Judici : Trois sermons vaudois sur le jugement dernier [Aufsatz]
- La letteratura valdese medievale. Testi, lingua, manoscritti [Aufsatz]
- Les poèmes vaudois d'après le manuscrit inédit de Dublin [Aufsatz]
- New Perspectives on Heretical Discourse and Identity : The Waldensians in the Medieval and Early Modern Context. Dublin, Trinity College, February 9-10 2018 [Aufsatz]
- On some Waldensian manuscripts preserved in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin [Aufsatz]
- Prove di edizione dei sermoni valdesi : il Sermone «del centurione» e il Sermone sul «Rinnovamento spirituale» [Buch]
- Sur quelques manuscrits de l'ancienne littérature religieuse des Vaudois du Piémont [Aufsatz]
- The books of the Vaudois : the Waldensian manuscripts preserved in the
Library of Trinity College, Dublin, etc. With an appendix, containing a correspondence (reprinted from the British Magazine) on the poems of the poor of Lyons, the antiquity and genuineness of the Waldensian literature and the supposed loss of the Morland Manuscripts at Cambridge. With Mr.Bradshaw's paper on his recent discovery of them. [Buch]
- The Waldenses [Aufsatz]
- The Waldensian manuscripts in the library of Trinity College, Dublin [Aufsatz]
- Wandering Heretics, Wandering Manuscripts : The Case of the Waldenses (Fifteenth to Seventeenth Centuries) [Aufsatz]
- Wandering Heretics, Wandering Manuscripts : The Case of the Waldenses (Fifteenth to Seventeenth Centuries) [Aufsatz]
21.12.2021 15:52
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