de: |
Waldenser - Verfolgungen - Piemont - 1655 - Urteile der deutschen Presse |
en: |
Waldenses - Persecutions - Piedmont - 1655 - Judgements of the German Press |
fr: |
Vaudois - Persécutions - Piémont - 1655 - Jugements de la presse allemande |
it: |
Valdesi - Persecuzioni - Piemonte - 1655 - Giudizi della stampa tedesca |
Folgende Titel sind mit diesem Schlagwort belegt: |
- False Prophets, Anticrists, Deceivers, Which are in the World, which John prophesied of, which hath long been hid and Covered. But now is unmasked in these last dayes with the Eternal Light which is risen, are they seen and discovered, praises be to the Living God. And with the Scriptures which they have made a trade of and deceived the poor people withall, are they tryed and made manifest to be those which the Scripture speaks of, which with fained words and Covetousnesse makes Merchandize of the people, and so betrayes their Soules. Also a Word to the Heads and Governours of this Nation, who have put forth a Declaration for the keeping of a Day of Humiliation for the Persecution (as they say) of the poor Inhabitants in the Valley of Lucerna, Angrona, and others professing the Reformed Religion which hath been transmitted unto them from their Ancestors. By M. Fell. And also James Milners Condemnation upon that which erred from the Light
- Klag-Lied: Uber den hochbetrübten Zustand der Evangelischen Kirchen in den Piemundthesischen Thälern/ wie dieselbige vnversehener weiß so schröcklich überfallen/ auch wie erbärmlich man mit Weibs vnd Man[n]spersonen/ jungen/ kleinen Kindern vnd schwangern Weibern vmbgangen seye/ wird in diesem Gesang gantz trawriglich zu vernemmn seyn/ [et]c : Im Thon: Nun mercket auff jhr Himmel vnd Erd/ [et]c / Gestelt durch einen mitbetrübten Evangelischen Christen [Buch]
- La vera relazione di quanto è accaduto nelle persecuzioni e i massacri dell'anno 1655 : Le "Pasque piemontesi" del 1655 nelle testimonianze dei protagonisti. [Sammelband]
- Relatio fidelis rerum in Vallibus Pedemontanis An 1655. inter S.R.C. Sabaudiae Ducem, & Reformatae uti praetendunt Religionis, Cultores gestarum [Buch]
21.12.2021 15:52
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