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Välimäki, Reima
[Reima Välimäki][Reima Valimaki]
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Liste des oeuvres:
Analisi delle reti sociali delle comunità valdesi germanofone nell’ultimo scorcio del XIV secolo
Bishops and the inquisition of heresy in late medieval Germany
Bona docere et mala dedocere : Inquisition of Heresy and Communication with the Lay Population
Heresy in late medieval Germany : the inquisitor Petrus Zwicker and the Waldensians
Imagery of Disease, Poison and Healing in the Late Fourteenth-century Polemicas against Waldensian Heresy
Inkvisiittorin tieto, kerettiläisen tuomio. Valdesilaisten harhaoppisten tunnistaminen ja tuomitseminen Petrus Zwickerin inkvisitiossa Stettinissä 1392-1394 ja traktaatissa "Cum dormirent homines" (1395)
Manuscripts, Qualitative Analysis and Features on Vectors : An Attempt for a Synthesis of Conventional and Computational Methods in the Attribution of Late Medieval Anti-Heretical Treatises
Old errors, new sects : the Waldensians, Wyclif and Hus in fifteenth-century manuscripts
The Awakener of Sleeping Men : Inquisitor Petrus Zwicker, the Waldenses, and the Retheologisation of Heresy in Late Medieval Germany
The portrayal of the Waldensian Brethren in the De vita et conversacione (c. 1391-3)
Transfers of anti-Waldensian material from a polemical treatise to a didactic text
11.03.2022 20:19 / vog