Genre de document:
Studies from the World Alliance of Reformed Churches = Etudes de l'Alliance réformée mondiale


World Alliance of Reformed Churches

Standard: World Alliance of Reformed Churches [WARC]

Année de parution:
Dal 1982
Lieu de parution:

Standard: Genève [Genf][Genevae]

Volumes de la collection:
- Justification and sanctification : In the Traditions of the Reformation. Prague V : The Fifth Consultation on the First and Second Reformations Geneva, 13 to 17 February 1998
- The Prague consultations : prophetic and renewal movements : proceedings of the Prague VI and Prague VII multilateral ecumenical consultations (2000 & 2003)
- Towards a Renewed Dialogue : Consultation on the First and Second Reformations, Geneva, 28 November to 1 December 1994